Full-service, bipartisan, governmental consulting and lobbying firm located in Jefferson City, Missouri. We serve clients throughout the state and nationally. We craft unique legislative solutions and serve clients with transparency and proficiency. Whether you want to secure funding for a particular program or project, enact a policy initiative, defeat harmful legislation or just keep an eye on the process, we can help achieve your public policy goals. Your goals are our goals and our expertise in navigating the political process of Missouri will leave the heavy lifting to us and get your organization or business where it needs to be. Influence state and local policy.
State and local government can operate just as fast, or sometimes much faster, than the federal government. Whether it is a short-term policy goal, a line item in the budget, or a longer-term strategy to get more involved in statewide policy we can help you achieve your goals. We provide you with the latest news from the Missouri state capitol, and will keep you up to date with the pace of your legislation or appropriation. We will put you in touch with the right people and make sure you have more than just our team advocating for you in the state legislature. It is our job to make sure we protect your organization from harmful legislation and can work towards many creative solutions to do so. We have a broad based approach to advocate, compromise, and defend against the bad, all to ensure a better outcome for those looking to the state legislature for answers. We know politics. Expertise. Services. Clients